As Pervious Forms Are Dispelled

Jun 06, 2008 04:43

Dublin is nothing like I remember.
Man o man! Did old town get a face lift when I was away?
They did fuckin' somethin' anyway and 'tis grand, 
Could barely remember how it was durin' the Aussie Olympics, when I had to house sit for a couple of mates, due to the fact that I was off my face mostly or gee-eyed down at The Front Lounge or chasing tail in a towel at The Vortex or The Dock in .
As for the trams, they have transformed the topography completely and actually get in the way of how I'd have gotten around. So it was up with the hand and out with the cash as I cabbed it to Michael's at Lesson lane as soon as I got off the  from Heuston. 
I Would  have walked it quicker but didn't want to risk losing a limb. 
Michael  hadn't arrived back from Donnybroke and so I had to call his bitch sister.
We went for lunch at   
It was shite. 
Felt sad for her and how her life was more or less the same it had been ten years ago. 'But you only get back what you give out sweetie!' - a huanting truth.
As I've kinda kept this trip low key I won't be splashing about in the town tonight.
Maybe a few drinks indoors. 
Got some rest at four p.m and woke again 'round midnight; that's why I'm writing this now before the interview today at six a.m.
Needed to do a few things that could only be done at night..............  is very much the same.
Does their jacuzzi ever be on?
Trade was ripe as college exams are over now and state exams in full swing.
Not to mention the tourists and visiting truckers.
With wall to wall opportunities, the aroma of steam and glistening flesh I had missed it all but not enough to move back.
And with deer like glances and welcomed chances I began to mingle.
The music played there was fucking manky pop tec.
in comparison to what I had plugged into earlyer,
'The Glider Remixes'.
There was a lot more eastern european lads about than I'd remembered.
And that's why I stayed for two hours!! 
Well, there is only so much 'mingling' you could do.

summer delights

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