Fic: Only Straight Girls Wear Dresses (RPF)

Aug 09, 2010 21:52

Fic: Only Straight Girls Wear Dresses
Author: Cellochick92
Rating: NC17
Words: 1775
Summary:  Based on the song.  Which, if you haven’t heard it, is AMAZING.  They should totally cover it on Glee ;)  First time doing RPF, and it’s…weird.  Very weird.  But I couldn’t resist given Dianna’s tendency to always wear dresses.   Written in just under 45 ( Read more... )

rpf, lea/dianna

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anonymous August 11 2010, 17:49:32 UTC
wow so hot, that's probably the best way to drescribe it. and you know? not so many days ago, I used to be an achele virgin too (reference to the comment above n_n) and well, a playful and dominant dianna is always fun to watch, since I get this vibe coming from her of been the wild type in bed, despite been so girly and smooth on the outside. who knows?..... wait, lea of course.

annnnnnddd, I know that the next comment (or petition) shouldnt be here, but wtf, I'm gonna do it anyway :P

please,please,please,please update settle the score, honestly, these days without it have been torture (ok, that sounded very drama queen) but yeah, as ironic as it may sound, this angsty fic totally brights my day, it puts me on a cheerful mood(seriously, whats wrong with me? i must be some kind of sadomasoquist freak)
please dont take so long between updates, it would make me so happy read a new chap before going back to school, 'cause, trust me , once I'm there it might take ages before I get some free time. I guess philosofy students and university students in general have the same problem, and heck, i'm sure you have your own life to deal with, but the selfish brat in me doesnt care obout that, so...
upadte, plesase?

by the way, english is not my first lenguage, so sorry for my bad spelling and incongruos phrases, I did my best Y_Y


cellochick92 August 11 2010, 19:01:39 UTC
Hahahaha. Yay =) Of course Lea would know! ;)

Ok. First of all, your petition made me smile. A lot. Therefore, I am going to write an update right now>/b>. Just for you =) Totally feel ya on the university thing...I start in a couple days, so I'll do my best to get at least a few updates up before then since I'll be swamped once I start!

Amazing job for English not being your first language, too. If I could write half as well in Spanish as I can in English, I would be thrilled. So, kudos to you =)


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