Fic: Only Straight Girls Wear Dresses (RPF)

Aug 09, 2010 21:52

Fic: Only Straight Girls Wear Dresses
Author: Cellochick92
Rating: NC17
Words: 1775
Summary:  Based on the song.  Which, if you haven’t heard it, is AMAZING.  They should totally cover it on Glee ;)  First time doing RPF, and it’s…weird.  Very weird.  But I couldn’t resist given Dianna’s tendency to always wear dresses.   Written in just under 45 minutes, cause that's what I could squeeze in before work.  Unbeta'd.

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“Only straight girls wear dresses” it read upon the stall
Well the dyke who wrote it must not have a brain at all…

Dianna couldn’t help the huff that escaped her lips as she re-entered the club.  Some idiot had apparently thought it would be clever to scrawl their thoughts on the implications of wearing a dress across the bathroom, and she was more than a little peeved.

Just because she loved to wear dresses and did so at every opportunity didn’t mean she was straight, and the assumption irked her to no end.  If anything, experience had shown her that wearing a dress made things even easier, especially if you were batting for the home team.  Something about showing off expanses of toned thigh seemed to garner a positive reaction when she went out, and not once had she ever been questioned about it.

She wished for a moment that the person who had written the note on the wall was here so she could show them exactly what kinds of clothes straight girls did and didn’t wear.  Exhaling deeply to try to refocus on the music and dancing, she maneuvered her way through the throngs of people looking for the girl she had come with.  Lea was actually the main reason she had come in the first place, but still.

She broke through and realized that there was a small circle of people gathered around a single person.  Looking closer, she saw that it was Lea, and she smirked.  It was just like the smaller girl to become the center of attention without even trying.

Glaring at a guy as he tried to slip behind Lea, she brushed past him and molded her own body against Lea’s.  The brunette melted into her immediately, reaching back to grab one of Dianna’s hands and pull it around to rest on her stomach.  They both moved in perfect sync with the throbbing beat of the music, and Dianna let her other hand steal around to lay on Lea’s hip.

Without even thinking about it, she tugged Lea closer to her, letting her head fall forward to drop a kiss on the bare skin of the brunette’s neck.  The shiver that coursed through the smaller woman made her smirk as she nipped at her shoulder, testing to see how much she could torment Lea before she would snap.

She felt more than heard the groan that rumbled through the singer when she let her hand stray up from her hip to brush the underside of her breast and smiled.  The grin faded quickly as Lea ground her hips backwards into Dianna, and this time it was the blonde who moaned.

Lea tipped her head back until it was resting on the blonde’s shoulder and caught her eye.  Smirking, she backed into Dianna again, watching as hazel eyes flashed a dangerously dark shade at the movement.  Rotating her hips just so, she let a smirk touch her lips as eyelids fluttered shut over hazel orbs, loving the effect she had on the blonde.

She felt her own eyelids flutter as Dianna recovered enough to not-so-subtly palm her breast through the paper-thin fabric of her shirt.  Stifling a moan, she arched her back to try and get more contact, biting her lip as slender fingers rolled a nipple.  When the blonde ground into her just a little bit harder, the answering slickness between her legs drew a growl from Lea’s lips as she tried to turn.

Gentle fingers prevented her from turning fully, and she huffed in frustration until Dianna leaned in and purred in her ear, “Someone’s eager tonight, hmm?”

Unable to articulate an answer, Lea settled for nodding rapidly before spinning in Dianna’s grip to face the blonde.  Smirking at how her dark hazel eyes had become, Lea casually slipped a toned thigh between her legs and shifted so it was pressing against her centre.  The resulting gasp, followed by a low moan, was all the indication she needed of how turned on Dianna was as well.

Leaning in and ghosting her lips across the blonde’s ear, she murmured, “What do you think about finding somewhere a little more…private?”  This time it was Dianna who had to settle for nodding fervently as she gave up on trying to dance and grabbed Lea’s hand.  Tugging the brunette back in the direction of the bathroom she had come from what seemed like a lifetime ago, she tried not to trip over herself in her hurry to get there.

The moment they were inside, Lea looked around, checking to see if they were alone.  Upon seeing that the rest of the room was vacant, she clicked the lock on the door and turned back to Dianna.  The spark in the blonde’s eyes brought a smile to Lea’s face, but she found it quickly smothered by Dianna’s lips.

Dianna pinned the brunette against the wall, kissing her hungrily.  She slipped her tongue into Lea’s mouth and moaned at the taste.  She let her tongue explore and possess the singer’s mouth, dominating her.  Lea broke away gasping for air.

“Fuck, Di. All those years of breath control lessons?  Out the window when you kiss me like that.”

Dianna smirked before dipping her head and sucking on Lea’s pulse point.  She scraped her teeth over the tan skin, needing to mark the girl beneath her.  She was normally far quieter than Lea, but when they were like this?  Alone, with each other?  Her sunshine and rainbows took a back seat to her need for the singer.

By this point, Dianna could tell Lea was getting worked up.  She was arching her back, and when her eyes fluttered open, they were begging the blonde to just fucking do something already.

More than happy to oblige, Dianna let her hands wander to Lea’s chest.  She unsnapped the buttons that were barely holding the top together and helped Lea to shrug it off.  The singer wasn’t wearing a bra, and Dianna quickly snared a dusky nipple in her mouth.  She sucked, nipping lightly as the bud hardened in her mouth.  Her fingers found the other nipple, rolling it and pinching it to achieve the same effect.

Pulling away reluctantly, Dianna placed one last kiss in the valley between Lea’s breasts before letting her attention trail lower.  She popped the button on Lea’s pants expertly, sliding them far enough down the brunette’s legs that she would be able to work unhindered.  When her fingers met with only soft skin and damp curls, she arched a brow.

“Were you planning on this, Ms. Michele?”

Gasping for air, Lea managed to breathe out, “I was hoping.  God, Di, please.”

Leaning forward to capture Lea’s lips in another kiss, Dianna let her fingers just barely tease wet heat, loving the way Lea moaned into her mouth as her hips jerked forward.  Kissing her way down Lea’s neck and stomach, Dianna paused to place a careful kiss on her hipbones.  Moving lower, she nudged tan thighs apart and let her fingers run teasingly up and down.

Inhaling the heady aroma that greeted her as she nosed brown curls, she let her mouth slip just a bit lower down on Lea’s thigh to place a tender kiss on the tattoo there.  The tiny cursive “D” had been Lea’s idea, and the blonde had insisted on getting a matching “L” in the same spot.  The soft patch of skin where her initial was emblazoned was tantalizing, and Dianna could feel Lea’s frustration growing with every additional second she spent there.

Small hands suddenly tugged none too gently at her hair, pulling her upwards.  “So help me, Dianna, if you don’t hurry up and fuck me right this second I’m going to do it myself!”  The last word came out as more moan than word as Dianna pressed two fingers into the singer.  “Like this?” she cooed innocently, smirking up at Lea.

All that Lea could manage in reply was a string of swear words as she gripped the blonde locks in her hand more tightly.  Looking up at her, Dianna almost laughed when she noticed the glaring red letters sprawled around Lea’s head.  The message that had taunted her earlier seemed far more appealing when she was viewing it from between her girlfriend’s legs.

Refocusing as Lea let out a particularly drawn out moan and gasped out another plea for more, Dianna let her tongue swipe the brunette’s clit.  A barely muffled shriek was the only response she got as one of Lea’s hands flew up to cover her mouth.  The music from the club was loud, but Lea had quite the set of pipes on her, and when she got going not even the blaring music could cover all of the sounds she made.

Grinning and biting lightly, Dianna sped her fingers up and slipped a third in as Lea’s hips began to rock forward more urgently.  Lea whimpered at all of the sensations coursing through her and begged the blonde for release.  “Please, Di, I’m so close-”  The rest of what she had been trying to say was lost as Dianna sucked hard on her clit.

A loud cry tore from her throat as her walls clenched around Dianna’s fingers, and her hips bucked wildly.  Moving her fingers ever so gently to draw out Lea’s orgasm, Dianna stood and pressed Leas between her and the wall as she came down.  Chocolate eyes fluttered open slowly, and Dianna smiled as she kissed Lea’s cheek.  Pulling her fingers out, she made sure Lea was watching as she sucked them into her mouth, humming at the taste.

Lea felt like she was about to come again at the sight of Dianna standing there, sucking her juices off of her fingers, and she grabbed the blonde to her in a hungry kiss. Biting on Dianna’s lower lip, she flipped their positions and shoved the blonde into the wall.

As Lea began to reciprocate and then some, Dianna let her head fall back against the wall with a thump.  Groaning as Lea began to move lower, she decided that maybe it didn’t matter if she ever got to prove the original author of the scrawled note wrong.

As long as the girl in front of her knew, that was more than enough.

rpf, lea/dianna

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