So this has no relation to any of my Faberry fics. I really, really struggling at the moment, and writing even a little was the only thing I could think of to make even the tiniest dent in everything I'm feeling right now. Please don't feel obligated to read, and if CSA is triggering for you, I would not recommend continuing to read. I promise I'll try to get back to the fics eventually, but right now there's just too much hurt in the world.
A mattress in a dark basement
Cajoling words
Feeling weird, feeling bad
I don't want to
Everyone likes this
We're friends, aren't we
So small
Fucking cunt
Think you can leave
Get back here
You'll like it, I promise
Nobody listens
Nobody there
Just us
Rooms next door
He was older
I want to show you something
He said
There was a pinecone in his pants
Why is it there
Wrapped up tight in a rug
Chains around me
Have to break free
Like a magic trick
he said
But now
No more magic
Just suffocating in the rug
How do I do this
How do I help
When I am still so broken
So many pieces inside
But maybe
If I can help you
I can help myself
But honestly
I don't really care about me right now
I just want to help you
To be able to do something good with all the pain inside
To save you from the dark I was trapped in
am still trapped in
I don't want you here
with me
The one time
I would rather be
I know you
A reflection of myself
my hurt
All of it wrapped up
Too much for one person
But you are not just one person anymore
I'm here too
I love you
So much
You are myself in another body
And I hurt with you
I fear with you
I cry with you
And I will never leave you alone
Your darkness is my darkness now
No longer just the weight of the world
on you