Sep 15, 2004 17:07
Hey hey hey! Yeah, I know it's been a really long time since I've updated, so if any of you have any problems with that.......well, I really don't care, mwahahaha! Anyway...
Things have been cruisin' along here at CIM. Classes are good, and I'm actually finding a lot of free time in my schedule to relax after classes and a few hours of practicing each day. In fact, I just got up from a nap about 5 minutes ago. I would have slept much longer, but I wanted to give myself plenty of time to eat dinner and get ready for services because tonight is Rosh Hashanah(the Jewish New Year).
We had our first orchestra concert last night, and it went really really well. The soloist in the Rachmaninoff was incredible. The orchestra sounded very good throughout the entire night. It made me very happy.
Hey guess what? I'm comin' back to Indy next weekend for Yom Kippur. I don't know how much time I'll have to spend with people, but I just wanted to let you know that. I already promised a couple people I'd spend time with them. If anyone else wants to see me or at least hear from me, just let me know. Oh yeah, that also reminds me, everyone who knows my cell should feel free to call it whenever you want. It's usually on, except for when I'm in class.
Anyway, my stomach's starting to yell at me, so off to dinner I go. Later.