The mishna teaches that it is forbidden to have any business dealings
with idolaters who are going on a pilgrimage. In the g'mara Shmuel
clarifies: with idolaters going on a pilgrimage it is forbidden because
they will go and offer thanks to their idols, but on their return trip it
is permitted because "we let bygones be bygones" (it won't aid and abet
idolatry at that point). However, if an Israelite goes on such a
pilgrimage we reverse it: we can do business with him on his way there
because he might change his mind and not go, but on his return trip
we cannot do business with him because he has already become attracted
to idolatry and he will keep going. (32b)
(I'm not sure why the returning idolater, who has already become attached to it,
is ok but the returning Israelite now in that same state isn't, unless there is
also a punative aspect to this ruling.)