Last Monday, our choir had its annual pot-luck dinner, once again hosted by the people who used to host practice, back when their daughter (who's in the choir) still lived with them. That hasn't been true for a while, but they like hosting us anyway. We don't get to see as much of them as we used to, so I'm glad.
Tuesday night was Dani's company's holiday party. They have picked up another of my former coworkers, so there was one more person I knew. Oddest moment: a coworker asks where he knows me from, we both draw blanks, and then he asks if I work at [my company], where he interviewed a few years ago. Wow. Yeah, he looks vaguely familiar so I probably did interview him, but do most people remember individual interviewers for jobs they didn't get, years later?
Wednesday was a meeting at my synagogue. Nothing exciting, but it took a chunk of time. I learned that people were happy with the class I gave a couple weeks ago.
Thursday night was spent doing all the stuff that didn't get done the previous few nights, plus cooking for Shabbat.
Shabbat afternoon we had a guest, a relatively new member who has become very active quickly. We spent the afternoon talking. This summer will be thirty years since her bat mitzvah, so she'd like to chant torah for the second time, with which I will help her.
Saturday night we attended two parties, a pre-Chanukkah party held by fellow congregants (lovely, lots of music, but very crowded) and the annual party held by
ralphmelton and
lorimelton, very pleasant and less crowded than usual but with plenty of interesting conversation.
Sunday was the first night of Chanukkah. It's a minor holiday despite the fuss some make over it, but a holiday nonetheless. We were invited out for dinner, which was nice.
Monday night was choir practice.
It's all been good stuff, but this little introvert wants to ignore the world for a little while now. :-) Imagine what things would be like if I had a big holiday coming up or something! But on the positive side, a lot of my coworkers are already on vacation, tomorrow even more will be, and Thursday should be a glorious day to get work done. (Current theatrical offerings do not seem particularly interesting, so the Thursday-night movie might be in danger.)
I am strongly considering taking all of next week off, just because. There have been some stressful things at work lately so I could use the break, and it turns out that Dani has use-it-or-lose-it vacation time so he'll be taking next week off.