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(Hebrew only). Nifty! (And the keyboard for typing Hebrew can be used
other ways, too, which solves another problem I sometimes have.) Thank
jducoeur. (I have a CD library with search in
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Rashi simply inserts the missing word: Lo et avoteinu bilvad karat H'.... And the other commentators in Torat Chayyim start off with variations on that theme.
But looking at it in context I think there's another possibility. There are multiple covenants in the Torah: there's the b'rit ben hab'tarim with Avraham, there's the b'rit at Har Sinai, but there's another b'rit on the day in which Moshe delivered the speech that forms the basis of sefer D'varim. This is the covenant with the generation that will actually take posession of Eretz Yisrael, the generation that will stand between the mountains and hear the blessings and curses and answer "Amen" to them both ( ... )
Excellent point about multiple b'ritot. I wonder if this implies that there will be yet another b'rit when the moshiach comes. We, today, are more heirs to the b'rit at Har Sinai than the b'rit before entering the land, after all; while we can enter the land, it's not the homecoming that the desert generation had.
The theophany at Sinai was followed by the sin of the molten calf and led to forty years of wandering untli that generation died out.It took me a while to get used to the idea that the forty years and dying out was not punishment for the molten calf but, instead, punishment for not entering the land when it was offered. The calf seems like a bigger sin because it's easy to see it as a willful act while we think of being afraid of the giants in the land as being a gut-level reaction. But the reverse makes more sense: making the idol was very natural to ( ... )
It's too late to start researching tonight, but this is something new to think about. Thanks!
BTW, there's a free, if somewhat oddly formatted, Rashi commentary available for PalmOS; I use it with a Palm bible reader and a free JPS chumash. Or you can use the online Rashi at, which is where the PalmOS one originated; I think the odd formatting is because it was web-scraped.
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