intermission: parsha bit: Vayeishev

Dec 11, 2014 08:46

Today's daf is Yevamot 68. It's in the middle of a fairly technical discussion that I am having trouble following. So, instead, I offer something from this week's parsha.
At the beginning of this week's parsha, in Gen 37:3, we're told that Yaakov's favorite son was Yosef because Yosef was "a son of his old age". But wait, I wondered upon reading this -- his brother Binyamin is even younger! Further, Yaakov's beloved, favorite wife died in childbirth with Binyamin, so in a sense he's an especially precious gift to Yaakov. Why isn't he the favorite "son of Yaakov's old age"? Curious and finding no help in the commentaries to hand (mainly Rashi), I asked on Mi Yodeya. I learned a few opinions there:
  • The Chizkuni says that Binyamin is a reminder of Rachel's death, which counts against him (through no fault of his own, of course, but still a painful memory). I had wondered about that possibility.
  • The Ralbag (among others) says that Yosef was the long-awaited son of the beloved wife, Rachel. Rather a bit of time passed while Leah was having child after child. Along similar lines, the Sifsei Chachamim says a lot of time passed between Yosef and Binyamin, so Yosef was "the youngest son" for a long time and the role stuck.
  • Radak says Yosef had the wisdom of an older man.
  • And finally (for now), the Ramban (Nachmanides) says that Yosef was the son who served his father in Yaakov's old age -- he was the one who was always there to take care of his father's needs, so naturally they formed a special bond. Binyamin was too young during these critical years and the other brothers were busy shepherding.

parsha bits

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