pfffft sorry for double-posting in a day, f-list, but today has been a productive day. :D bitchings aside.
I didn't realize I've been painting backs until I was rearranging my stuff just now and found my 2D piece from last sem. |D Still suck at this though, eh. :/ I don't know how those Renaissance artists managed to render the muscles in the back so goddamned well. ;;
This... all started because I wanted to paint white eyelashes. Then it went on to playing around with skin colour. Oh, and if you can't tell, I didn't paint that fur; hurray for cheap Photoshop brushes.
also I discovered the oil paint brush! o> I know it probably loses out to Painter in this, but ohhh maaaannn I finally get that painterly look I've been trying to get. :D