Jun 25, 2003 22:29
So- I’ve not posted in my livejournal for about 3 months. I’ve actually spent weeks without the internet (shock), and I’ve been so busy!
I’ve read about 30 books, went to End of Days (was fabulous), finished all art, textiles and theatre studies coursework and exams (though I most probably fucked up the theatre studies ones crap crap crap), exhibited my art work in the end of year exhibition, found the source of the Thames (it was a bit of an anti-climax), visited Stroud college exhibition where I will be going next year (was very impressive).
I’ve done other stuff too, but I think that’s a good enough summery as any. And now I'm free! Free from college!
Oh, and I haven’t read OotP yet, so thank-you to my friends list for all the spoiler cuts. *is getting sucked in*