[Fandom] UGH.

Jan 12, 2013 06:21

So, I received a review on FF.net aka the Pit, complaining about a detail of the story that, admittedly, I would probably not write today. But I wrote the thing more than ten years ago now, when I was young and stupid and ignorant of a lot of things I'm aware of now.

So I went to try to respond to them, and of course they're not logged in, so it doesn't give me the option.

And then I saw the review before it, praising me for a sentence of the fic that, reading it now, makes me want to delete the fic and forget it ever happened. Not because it's badly written, but because it absolutely shows how ignorant I was about gender and gender roles. What's worse to me is that the person praised this for being sweet, when now I look at it and know it isn't. And while some excuse can be made for the character from whose POV it was written, I can't use that in the end because at the time I intended it to be sweet.

Uuuugh. I just want to fix all my old bad!fic.

(If I were to finish AQD, and then rewrite it as I once planned, one of the things I would fix would be my portrayal of the character of Hepzibah. If you've read it, then you know what I'm talking about. UGH.)

This entry was originally posted at http://celestineangel.dreamwidth.org/429549.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

fandom, the pit, inuyasha

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