Jan 09, 2013 11:53

YES IT'S TRUE. I AM MAKING A POST. IT IS A RANDOM POST OF THINGS. Since I have been so long away from DW/LJ.

1) So, a good bit of that away time was spent in playing Dragon Age: Origins and many of the DLCs, and then Dragon Age 2. I had friends of Facebook eagerly awaiting the time when I came to the end of DA2, and what my reaction would be. I dare say I did not disappoint. Considering that IRL I sat at my computer making agony faces and screaming at the screen.

2) I have also been quite lazy and just in a state of not wanting to do a damn thing that requires actual effort. Which includes posting.

3) I read a lot. Recently reread the first Kushiel's Legacy trilogy in preparation for a discussion of it with a friend who is reading it for the first time. :D Yay!

4) I dropped from the nextgenbigbang because MOTIVATION. I DON'T HAVE IT. In fact, I think I am mostly not going to write much fanfiction for a while, and if I do, I probably won't do it for fests and won't tell anyone I've written it until it's done. (Which is a good thing considering I have developed a burning passion for Enjolras/Grantaire.)

5) LES MISERABLES. I've loved this musical for years, despite having never seen it performed. The movie, despite having some editing weirdness and a surfeit of closeups, is fabulous and please someone just ship all the Oscars to Anne Hathaway's house right now everyone else go home. I've seen it twice, and I want to see it again, and I can't wait for it on DVD. Oh, and also, I bought the 25th anniversary concert on DVD, and watched it on the big screen TV in the living room and IT IS AMAZING. Best Javert.

6) I have also developed a burning passion for Grumpy Cat, and all the GC memes, but none could be better than Grumpy Cat together with Les Miserables! LE MISERABLE. YES. THIS. IT MADE ME SO HAPPY INSIDE.

7) I want to write but I am lazy. D:

8) How is everyone else?

This entry was originally posted at http://celestineangel.dreamwidth.org/429213.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

harry potter, nextgenbigbang, les miserables, dragon age: origins, fandom, grumpy cat is the best cat, random, dragon age 2

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