[Fandom] Hello.

May 26, 2012 19:28

Long time, eh? I've been a little out of it lately. Putting my energies other places. Or just not having any energy. Mostly been working.

I started a new playthrough of the first KH game, and restarted playing 358/2 Days (I might've bought myself a 3DS for the upcoming American release of KH: Dream Drop Distance. >.> Maybe). As I posted before (LJ people wouldn't have gotten this post), I'm growing more obsessed with the character of Riku. There's just so much fic I feel I could write about him, if my writing muscle weren't broken. :( Well, maybe not broken, but fractured still. Maybe it's really more the lack of energy than anything else. Sigh.

(As for writing, it's not that I don't have ideas. I have a shitton of ideas. I've even started rethinking TTTWNSW again. I just have no energy and I hate it. When I get home from work, all I want to do is play KH or, recently, read.)

I've also started another reread of the first Kushiel trilogy. Damn I love Joscelin, even if he is an idiot.

I don't know if it's Joscelin I love so much as the idea of the Cassiline Brotherhood, warrior-priests promised to protect and serve a ward unto death. No, no I think it is Joscelin, too, because there's just something about the way he tries so damn hard (like an idiot) to cling to both his rigid Cassiline discipline/faith, and to his love for Phedre, two things that just do not mix. At least, not the way the Cassiline Brotherhood see their vows and duties. (I am of the opinion that Joscelin is closer to the truth of it, and that Cassiel did what he did, after all, out of love for Elua.) There's also something about the way that he fights like a gods damned madman when his love or his vows are threatened. In the end, Joscelin is fucking amazing and I love his poor, angsty little Cassiline heart with all my being.

And I love the idea of the Cassilines, too. I miss the Kushiel RPG, and playing Leal there, it was so much fun to play a Cassiline in the middle of the palace and the Night Court (especially the brilliance of his younger brother being an adept of Valerian, oh gods, that was amazing).

In the end, though, it just wasn't a good fit of a game for me. I'm not sure there's a group RPG that would be. There's just... too many other people involved. ^_^* Which sounds odd, and a little against the point, but it's true. I do so much better with one-on-one RPGs, where there are few to no expectations, and if we want to, we can just drop a game and its characters (or rather, characterizations), and move on to something new and freshly inspiring. Or, if we need to, we can just stop playing and attend to RL, and it's only the two of us involved, and we don't leave other people hanging, and aren't left hanging because it's a mutual agreement between two people who are the only two people involved. With a large group, you never know what's going to happen, who's going to suddenly be out, or be a slow poster, or a player whose style just doesn't mesh with yours, and it's harder to be patient, and harder to wait, because elsewhere, the story is moving onward. Not to mention, harder to withdraw when RL and a lack of energy kicks your ass, and there are people depending on you and trying to convince you to stay.

Not only do I miss the game, I'm sorry about the way I left it, but... I couldn't do it anymore, RL and energy-wise, and it just wasn't working for me as a whole anyway.

I wish there was a way to further explore Leal's character. I don't really want to write fic involving him. Couldn't, really. I don't know. Sigh.

OMGs, I wrote a whole post.

This entry was originally posted at http://celestineangel.dreamwidth.org/414883.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

fandom, kushiel, joscelin, rpg, kingdom hearts

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