[Life] Ugh

Aug 18, 2011 14:54

Mom is in the hospital.

X-ray shows a "suspicious spot" behind her heart, which could just be gunk in her upper lung. They were thinking it might be the beginnings of upper respiratory pneumonia. At least, this is what they said Tuesday night when she was rushed to the ER because her temp was 105 and she was delirious.

She's been in the hospital sense, getting breathing treatments which are hopefully loosening it up and making her cough it out, but they haven't done another x-ray to find out, nor have they done... well, basically anything else. The doctor, who is one of those docs who just wants to treat the symptoms, tried to say that once her fever was under control, she could go home, but the step-dad and I are determined that no, she's not going home until they KNOW FOR SURE 1) what caused the fever and 2) what the hell that "suspicious spot" is.

The reason being that this is how the lung cancer with my aunt started, so none of us want to find out in six months or a year that it's late-stage cancer and might've been taken out if it had only been caught sooner, but wasn't because some stupid doctor wanted to get rid of a patient she thinks (BUT DOESN'T KNOW) has pneumonia.

Which, really, even if it is only pneumonia, SHE SHOULD STILL BE IN THE HOSPITAL.

I hate hate hate the way this doctor runs her shit; this is my mom's and my primary care physician, too, and we both have wanted to get out of her care for a while. It's just... finding a doctor who isn't just like her.

Next time, I'm going to ask the doctor straight up on the first visit, "Do you actually give a shit, or are you in it just so you can get paid $400 by my insurance every time I see you?" If the doctor is offended by the question, then I can walk out right there and move on to the next.

This shit is stupid.

let's find a doctor who gives a shit, life

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