[Fandom] Okay, Doctor Who, I call bullshit.

May 15, 2010 21:13


Okay, so. Cracks in time. Time running out, end of time. Time being rewritten.

Amy doesn't remember the events of "The Stolen Earth" and "Journey's End." The insinuation is that because of the cracks in time and yadda yadda yadda, she doesn't remember it because it never happened.

Well, pardon me, but putting aside all of the stuff about how time traveling changes someone's perception of the universe and helps them remember things and people and events that get erased from time, erasing the Dalek invasion and stealing of Earth causes some major, glaring continuity issues I hope will be addressed soon.

No stolen Earth = no interdimensional walls collapsing problems = no return of Rose = no Doctor getting shot by a Dalek running to Rose = no thwarted regeneration = (no Doctor!clone for Rose to marry but more importantly) = no human/Time Lord biological metacrisis = no reason for the Doctor to erase Donna's memories and leave her on Earth = WHERE THE HELL IS DONNA???

Not to mention, that if Donna never left, that would have made the events of "The End of Time" (which, really, is becoming a much overused phrase and plot in New Who, guys, just to let you know) go very differently, who knows how differently? Maybe with Donna present, Ten would never have had to regenerate at all. Which, unfortunately, makes it very unlikely they are going to address this continuity issue they've written themselves into, because apparently they didn't think through the consequences of REWRITING TIME very thoroughly and as copperbadge would say, they're explaining it through *handwave*.

Because being able to remember events because of the perceptions of a time traveler is very different from being completely and totally immune to the effects and consequences of rewriting time.

This bothers me. What's most interesting, though, is it bothers me more because I miss Donna than I miss Ten. I do miss Ten, and Eleven is kind of an asshole, but I'm okay with him and I'd be even MORE okay with him if Donna were there because Donna would never let him get away with treating Amy the way he does. Donna would call him on his asshole bullshit.


Also, intrigued despite myself by the insinuation that River kills the Doctor in the future.

Still hate River, though.

doctor who, fandom

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