So. Yeah. Last night I got to reading those reviews from people on my fics on again, and the fics themselves. Because I'd been looking at reviews on a fic that was posted on
pottersues, and started thinking about how I'd never recieved a single flame on any of my stories. I don't know if most of my real fic writing took place in a time before troll
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Though, I will say I was never as deep in the GW fandom as you seem to be. Fanfiction was really the extent of it for me, and my biggest have always been crossovers. At the time (what one of my reviewers called "the Golden Age of crossover fanfiction), there really did seem to be a separate niche in fandom specifically for people who enjoyed crossover fics, especially Sailormoon/Gundam Wing crossover fics. It sounds kind of conceited, I guess, but I think I might have been on the verge of being one of the more popular of the authors, maybe even approaching BNF status (not that I knew what BNF meant). I regret the fact that I deleted all my fics from at one point, because Broken Wing had over 700 reviews, not a single one of them a flame ( ... )
I'm less restrictive now about writing non-canon pairings and things than I used to be. :) At the time I wrote Broken Wing and started Mended Wing, I really was very restrictive about what pairings I would and would not write, especially when it came to crossovers, because I didn't write crossovers for the same reason other people did (to pair up two characters from ( ... )
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