Dec 04, 2009 14:40
Now that I got that rant out of my system...
I had just looked at my post I had done at the beginning of the semester and wanted to edit a few of my opinions. I still like it here and I am enjoying... most of my classes.
I have become disappointed in my Japanese class though, it started out so good, but has ended poorly. I'm doing well, and I would be highly worried if I wasn't since I'm going over the same stuff I have already done ten million times before. But the teacher just doesn't seem interested in teacher the language. I know that he probably has some other thing that he is researching and that is what he is interested in but still he has classes to teach and should put at least some effort into them. When I go into the class, even though something is listed on the sylabus, it still feels like he just opens his book closes he eyes and points to something. It's one thing to have us read paraghraphs in Japanese, but he has us read English paragraphs aloud! The homework is a joke too, right before its due, if you go to class more than likely he'll have you do it with a partner. So you just have to put your name on it and hand it in. How is that going to help?? A couple of weeks ago, he decided instead of what the sylabus said, to watch a video. >_> It was an English program on Tokyo. The only thing ANYONE thought was interesting about it was how badly the host mispronounced all the Japanese. *sighs* I really need to be studying my Japanese at the moment, I have my oral final on Monday, and I have to have a paragraph prepared on some enviromental issue.
But I'm going to rant some more first ^_^
I am completely sick and tired of my Art History class. He has us reading so much I can't keep up. And every Friday he shows a stupid video. I skipped today, just really didn't want to deal with it. We have to take these tests on every couple of chapters and it wouldn't be bad if the tests were so freaking hard! For example, he'll put a picture on the test and tell you that its not one from the book, and ask who painted/drew it! On one test he had a picture that was in the book... and I knew it was Gothic architecture, but the question wanted to know if it was Roman Gothic, or French Gothic... GRRRRRRR This is not a class for art majors, it should not be this hard!! I've still got three chapters, which is 100 plus pages to read, and three tests to take. It is quickly becoming a pain in the ass to the point I have been spending so much time on this class that it quickly took priority over my classes that actually dealt with my MAJOR! That should not happen!! I haven't cracked the book in the past couple of weeks because I was quickly getting backed up in my other classes, but I'm going to have to look at it again soon....
My Adolescent Psycology course has been very interesting. I'm not doing as well in the class as I would have liked see art history rant for details . But I have learned a lot and since I have a 15 year old nephew I've had something to compare it to. I just turned in my standard paper which is something I need to graduated with, it ended up being 28 pages long with all the refrences and stuff, but it really wasn't that hard of a paper to do since I didn't have to actually do all the research. We just had to spit back out what we had learned in the class and use the research that was sited in our textbooks. But overall a very interesting class.
My intro to foriegn language education class has been really fun. The teacher is quite fun to begin with so that always helps. We went over a lot of teaching method theories and I could look back at my expreience in Japan and now know why I was told to do certain things and what they were expecting out it. If they had explained that then, I think I could have been a better teacher.... But I still have to do a teaching porfolio and that's due next thursday so that is what I'll be doing all next week after I get my Japanese oral out of the way. I also had to do a small teaching demo in Japanese in that class. It went okay, I had hoped to do it all in Japanese but my nerves prevented me from doing that.
Ahh... I suppose I really should stop procrasinating and start studying for my Japanese oral... >_> after I check facebook that is..