(no subject)

Dec 04, 2009 14:13

Well, it's nearing the end of the semester. I meant to post after my secound set of observations but my mind was so rotted by the class I couldn't think. And I thought the first ones were bad. O_o

This teacher... well, basicly I'm left wondering just how much Japanese he knew. Amanda and I sat through two of his classes, a first year, and a second/thrid year combined class. From the time we entered the classroom, to the time that we left he spoke NOT A SINGLE WORD OF JAPANESE!!! And I thought this was a Japanese classroom I was watching, not so sure now. No one even called him Sensei! He also had one map of Japan on a wall and that was it, nothing anywhere else. though he did have a nice tori gate outside his classroom... what a false impression that was...

In his first class his first years were having another review day for a test that they were going to have the next day. It was a week before Thanksgiving and they were just learning how to say 'one more time please' and 'your welcome' and 'say it slowly please'.... AREN'T THESE PHRASES THAT YOU LEARN AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR????!!!!?!?!?! The one time he did actually lower himself to speak to us he told us that they had been learning hiragana all semester. okay so? You can teach more than one thing at a time. Especially when it comes to these essential phrases! And the thing that annoyed me was he said it in a way that made me think that he thought the students were a little.... slow... *headdesk*

Then in his second class he split the class into their repective years and had the second years play PICTIONARY! The words they were using, were sports. you can guess that they only had maybe a dozon or so words if that, and he made them play it for almost the entire period!! one team had like 20 some points and the other had over 10!!! Isn't that a little extreme!! And then near the end of class one of the second years asked him why they had to play the boring games that they had told him they didn't like all semester and the third years got to do what they wanted to do. And do you know what he said to her, 'Who is the teacher? That's right, I am.' I mean seriously!??!?!?!?!!? I suppose at least the third years were doing something a litte more difficult... I think. They were working on a script for a video they were going to produce, in Japanese of course... but they still didn't use any Japanese and didn't even pull out a dictionary until the very end of the class. *sighs* And then when he finally let the second years stop playing pictionary he had them working on a sentence on that was on the board. Mind you everything that was written in Japanese on the board looked like it had been done so by a student not the teacher. But the sentence he had them using had an error in it, and he just left it like that. Luckily when the students said it aloud they used the right sound which makes me wonder if they really know their characters or not.

If I have to do anymore observations they are so not going to be in this county. *headdesk*


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