friday five

May 03, 2008 04:15

1. What's one of the nicest things a friend has ever done for you?
2. What's one of the nicest things a stranger has ever done for you?
3. What is a trait in another person that you instantly admire, and that draws you to them?
4. What is a trait in another person that instantly repels you, and prevents you from forming a close relationship with them?
5. Time to vent: tell us about something rotten someone has done to you.

hrrmmm....i can't think of anything i have crappy friends. hahaha, just the regular giving me stuff kinda things. hahaha

2. What's one of the nicest things a stranger has ever done for you?

this too. probably like give me free food. or picking up things i dropped.

3. What is a trait in another person that you instantly admire, and that draws you to them?

4. What is a trait in another person that instantly repels you, and prevents you from forming a close relationship with them?

being very girly irritates the shit out of me. that prolly sounds sexist but it does. when they squeeeee and talk about drama. makes me want to hit them. for guys though, i just hate machismo and being a jerk and thinking that girls would actually want to sleep with them assuming they have already passed judgement that they are do0--able. basically you embody the extreme of your gender

5. Time to vent: tell us about something rotten someone has done to you.

well, in 5th grade, someone tried to spread the rumor that i was tibo. hahaha. buiset. also, i had this college classmate that said crappy things about me but that was because she was an ugly pathetic loser.

now cyris, time to sleep!

friday five

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