Been a while...

Sep 19, 2008 01:15

Well... it's been a while since I've updated this thing. LoL like any other time I don't update for a while life has pushed forward and things in it have changed around me. Some for the better, some not so much. Fortunatly things since my grandfather have for the most part been for the better. LOL of course I've had my moments.

I'm with an amazing man now. His name is Michael and I've known him for a little over a year now. I always thought he was a really nice guy. (lol even had the lustful "He's hot" moments) but never looked at him like that. My mind has never really looked at a guy however with the thoughts of "Ohhh I'd like to date this one." I guess I'm more of, if it happens WOW!!! You like me? No... we had gone out a few times... but I thought just as a friend kind of deal. Then one day he puts his arm around me. (In a movie, old fashion yawn-arm-over-shoulder way) How cute... and well I was like... "Hmmm does he think we are dating?" BAM!!! I'm finding myself in a relationship with a man you could only dream exsists, and something far better than you could ever imagin. He does all the big things, all the small things... and everything inbetween... even spends time with my grandmother when I'm not around. I'm so in love... and get this... He already talks about getting MARRIED!!! Want to hear something else... I've never set a date... Not even with Rik and I was with him for 3 years. Well, if I get married it will be on March 17th (and ODD NUMBER), because according to Michael that is the "Luckiest day of the year." You know something else... I'm actually excited, and a little hopeful.

For some "Not-so-Good" news...
Well I wrecked my shiny new car... yeah and it wasn't even an exciting accident. I worked from 8am to 11:39pm and was DOG tired when I got out. The lights in the parking lot were all out and when I pulled out of the space... SMACK!!! Right into a damn light poll. Fucked the front side of my car up... AND it's a good $1500 to get it fixed! HA and to top this all off with a great big cherry, guess who my insurance company is? AIG... lol

I am also currently unemployeed... but I don't look at this as a "Not-so-Good." Why? you might ask... well I've been in retail for too long now. It has taken its toll, and weighted me down for far to long now. My last straw was Express, and the abusive, hostile treatment I got working there. I'm done with the Mall... and I vow NEVER to go back. Don't have a clue what I'm going to do next but it will all workout.

Ohh... I guess I do have one more "Not-so-Good." I lost much money in this stock market bullshit. Monday alone... between my mother, my grandmother and myself it was 100k lost. JUST THAT ONE DAY. I'm affraid for this country.

I'm happy for the moment, and enjoying some much needed time off. I did get my old job at the paper back and will be enjoying that for a while till I get a paying gig. I needed to get back to my roots and re-evaluate my situation and life. I need to focus on the things that will bring me closer to my goals not take me from them. I need to show the people I love they are my priority not some job, and get myself back in school. I've decided to go for Art & Graphic Design... I can do Photography any time with no degree. I need something that I will love and can use to fall back on. I have ideas for a few buisnesses.

Well I'm off... I do have a man now... and He is in need of attention!
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