While on a train with no internet access, I typed some answers to the the fundamentalist relationship meme of doom:
http://www.stufffundieslike.com/2013/06/the-pre-courtship-questionnaire/. Some place here, we reach the half way point!
208. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate the worth of a woman?
Which woman are we talking about?
209. How do you treat women in general?
As people
210. How do you treat your Mom or Sisters?
I used to go see my mum once a week or so. I don't have any sisters.
211. Do you do special things for them occasionally or just when you HAVE to?
I enjoy buying flowers for my gf.
212. Do you open doors for ladies?
Wait, this section is called 'biblical womanhood.' Is this in the Bible? 'Thou shalt hold doors for ladies, but not men, even if they're holding stuff, because God calleth thee to be a dick!'
I hold the door open for whoever is behind me or anybody with their arms full.
213. Do you let them go first?
The bible is much more 1950s than I would have guessed!
214. Do you offer to help carry things for them?
Yes, as I do anybody else who is carrying stuff.
Are they to only speak when spoken to?
I can't tell if it's ironic in some way that this one is missing a number. Does that mean I can ginore it. Because it's pretty fucking awful and I want to pretend that anybody who saw that question would be horrified by it.
215. Do you feel women have a voice and are encouraged to speak their opinion?
I feel both these things should be true. Whether or not reality lives up to this varies greatly on the circumstances.
216. Have you ever taken a woman’s advice? Can you give me an example of this?
I refer you back to the very first section of this meme.
217. How important is it to you for you to be a gentleman?
I really like the whole discourse about being a gentleman, except that when I look even slightly closely at it, it turns into a reaction bunch of old sexist bullocks. I don't know if it can be separated from that or not. Also, I'd like to be able to get whimsical moustache wax that doesn't yearn nostalgic for the brutalisty and exploitation of the empire. For fucks sake, I just want my 'tache out of my food.
218. Have you ever raised a hand to hit or have you hit a woman before?
219. How did your Dad treat your Mom in this area?
My dad never hit my mum.
220. When at home or in the car who does the temperature have to be set to please, you or the others in the car? How about in regards to your Mom or Sister?
It's kind of a jarring jump from domestic violence to car temperature...
In general, I tend to favour minimal artificial adjustments to temperature. I don't have a car and there the heat is basically included in running the engine, but it's expensive to cool a car and expensive to heat or cool a home. Also, carbon footprint etc.
I encourage people who are cold to put on a jumper. And those who are warm to wear fewer clothes or have a cold drink.
I REALLY do not understand what on earth this could possibly have to do with 'biblical womanhood.' Jesus didn't even share the ass he rode in on. If he had, I'm sure he would have just told folks to open a window.