Nov 19, 2010 19:31
Three names I go by: Les, Charles, some people still call me by my old name
Three jobs I've had: Fast food maker, Software Engineer, lecturer
Three places I have lived: California, France, the Netherlands
Three Favorite Drinks: Orange juice, Coffee, Ale
Three TV shows I watch: Doctor Who, Torchwood, QI (rarely)
Three places I have visited: Niagara Falls, St Petersburg, Prague
Three people that phone me regularly: *sob*
On saturday, my phone company rang me and asked if I wanted fewer minutes, because I usually use less than 5 per month.
Three of my favorite foods: chilli, pumpkin pie, burritos. - absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Three pets that I've had: Mikey (dog), Roz (cat), Xena (dog) . . . wait, is this past tense? I've still got Xena, but I used to have a goldfish named Clyde.
Three places I want to visit before I die: Moscow, China (I want to take the train to Moscow and then on to China) and India