Jan 30, 2008 10:23
I have just over a week left. So while I've been trying to cram in every last sightseeing trip and making plans for the future, it's also been reflection time.
I did have a good time. And I learned a lot of interesting things. You know, it's never the things you expect to learn. I mean, that's part of the greatness of doing these little living abroad things.
Spain was drastically different than Costa Rica in practically every way - the people, the work, the city and the weather, the culture, the family. It's crazy. Some of the things that were so difficult about living there were no issue here (the shopping, the heat, the lack of communication, the lack of things to do in town), while the very best things about Jaco weren't here (mostly the people/connections I was able to make, owing to the job I had).
I came in to the experience expecting certain things, and I think this is where I fell into trouble. The job and the family were good, but not what I was hoping for. Like I said, I really like them, but I'm very glad that soon I won't be working for them anymore. I did my last major cleaning/dusting beneath Javier's bed, and thank god it will be the last time. Only a week more of making beds, cleaning the kitchen, doing the laundry, and generally doing things for people that they should be able to do for themselves.
I'll miss those times when it feels like I've actually taught the kids something - that I've entertained them, and they've gotten something out of my presence. It's just those times seem so few and far between that it's hard to live forever on them. It didn't work in my favor that I'm at least the 17th Au Pair they've lived with. Yes, they were accustomed to getting along and living with people from other cultures, but I wasn't some kind of new thing. They're used to people coming and going, and I'm just one more. They're never really interested in who I am, what my home and family are like, and those were things that I really wanted to share.
So instead of a great family connection, this experience was more about my own independence. I've learned what I can do by myself, and how I'm more independent than I thought I was (and it's something that is becoming stronger every day, every time I go out and explore on my own). I got to practice with and come to love all of the different means of public transportation. I took pleasure in wandering, and finding great little places without help from other people, or even a map.
There's more stuff to talk about, but I think that's all the serious business I can take right now. In happier news, Jackie is coming to visit in MSP early March, and so will Missy, and things are good.
au pairing,
living abroad,
deep thoughts,