Pandemonium, Chapter 50 of Anywhere Out of This World

May 07, 2008 21:49

Hello, everyone!!

With 21 school days left of this semester, I have finally arrived at the beginning of the climax now, with the latest chapter of Anywhere Out of This World. I'll just get right to it, then...

Here's the latest:
Pandemonium, Chapter 50 of Anywhere Out of This World
Word Count: 3,800
Rating: PG-13 for graphic violence, blood, and squishiness
Disclaimer: For fun and fun alone. All hail the great and mighty Joss.
Summary: A mysterious explosion in London brings a fallout of new demons to the already demon-infested city. William and the Slayers encounter them hand-to-hand and quickly realize they are out-matched. The demons prove to be very little challenge to Connor. In the B-story, Andrew and Dawn are nearly killed on their rooftop, but manage to escape only to land in more trouble.

andrew, fanfic, dawn, buffy, spuffy, spike

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