I finally have the latest chapter of Anywhere to post tonight. It's been through a few re-writes, partly because I had written the Xander-Andrew bits much earlier, before the Andrew/Dawn pairing had a lot of shape to it. Now, the Andrew/Dawn relationship is much more solid, which made parts of Andrew's conversation with Xander irrelevant. Well, you'll see...
Bit of a warning, there will be some Xander bashing ahead. This is due in part to some held over aggression I harbor toward him over his deplorable treatment of Anya and his double standard treatment of Buffy and Spike in Season 6. He must pay for that some time. For me, that time is now.
Here's the latest:
The Lovers, Chapter 45 of
Anywhere Out of This World
Pairing: Dawn/Andrew
Word Count: 4175
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: For fun and fun alone. All hail the great and mighty Joss.
Summary: While rummaging through Willow's books, Dawn finds a Tarot deck that holds her entranced. She cuts the cards and reveals The Lovers. She takes the image to heart. After a pre-morning lovefest with Andrew, she learns that he takes their relationship with similar seriousness. However, Xander has other plans and interferes, which will have disastrous consequences to them all.
Many thanks to my beta, Mattallicarock, who reads for content, but not for misspellings, typos, and such. Those, I'm afraid, are all mine.