Shelfari and other book adventures

Jan 15, 2008 23:17

Just de-lurking long enough to update my book list and add the link to the Shelfari site, which has occupied much of my free time in the last week. Shelfari - it's like a bookshelf safari. I have added the numerous titles I've read over the last few years, plus the ones I can recall from grade school on. It's also nifty because it's a book network. My brother's on there, as well as many literary-minded friends, and they've all listed their books. The Internet is swell.

I'll be back soon with an update to Anywhere. It's nearing an end, I can feel it. The Buffyverse that once crowded out all other creative vines and underbrush has grown to its full height, where I can leave it to be beautiful and imperfect in its own measure of light.

Also wanted to say that I just finished watching Season 3 of Lost on Netflix and wept like a tiny child. Please someone join me in a cry over what happens in the Looking Glass!

books, fanfic, shelfari, buffyverse, reading, lost, bibliophiles

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