Apr 22, 2009 00:37
I'm exhausted, but that is beside the point.
I'm just popping in to say that I got to talk to the executive producer of Studio 360 on the phone today and it was really cool! I was calling to invite people to come and see the show at the gallery I work for and for the most part I felt like Art in General's telemarketer (Yes, You too can see great art! Come on down!). But I also got to talk to some very cool people like Michele Seigel, who was really nice and seemed very flattered when I told her what a big fan of the show I am. You know, it's really nice telling people when you like their work. Even though Jad Abumrad never responded to my email, I am glad I got a chance to tell him how much I love that show too. It's very satisfying to see how much they appreciate being appreciated.