tagged by kythzia Update 1

Oct 13, 2008 16:41

  1. Go to your desktop and press the Print Scrn key (located on the right side of the F12 key).
  2. Open a graphics program (like Picture Manager, Paint, or Photoshop) and doing a Paste (CTRL + V). (But first, open up a new document. Then paste.)
  3. Post the picture on your blog. You can also give a short explanation on the look of your desktop if you want. You can explain why you prefer such a look or why it is full of icons. Things like that.
  4. Tag five of your friends and ask them to give you a Free View of their desktops as well.

I still have some stuff on my desktop even though I prefer to have none. It's just some stuff that wouldn't be fun to click through the Start menu every time I need it. I might add, that my notebook doesn't have a Windows button, so I created a button in my Quick Launch for Win+L, win+D, Win+E, Win+R+"cmd"

Yeah, I like those simple wallpapers with almost no items on them. The task bar needs to be that big to fit all the icons in the info area. The other screen has the same wallpaper but no icons and no task bar, so I abandoned posting it ;)

please look forward to my updated entry as soon as I come home


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