May 03, 2007 22:04
Just got home for the first time today. Stupid Honor's Night. -____-
My school has the biggest ego complex in the world. "CHS won this..." "CHS is honoring this NATIONAL WINNER..." "CHS is yet again number 1..." Does anyone really buy that bs these days? =| It's ridiculous.
Plus, does high school honestly prepare you for college? Truly? I mean, I know my high school's a college prep blah-blah-blah school but does it really prep you for anything?
What's worse is that somehow I'm drawn into this school too. Apparently, I have potential to represent CHS so well when really, I think this school is just so full of itself. It's disgusting. >> Especially after that whole homeroom teacher experience...
On another note, my brother and his girlfriend today were having a huuuge debate on how that nothing can truly be proven because everything's actually a theory. And I realized that I kind of want someone like that. Just to talk about stupid shit like my brother and his girlfriend did (they just went in circles for like, 2 hours). I know that I have friends here who are interested in stuff like that but when I tried to talk to Sean about how we as country aren't at the point yet to have a successful revolution, he got mad because I was apparently misunderstanding his argument which was basically successful revolutions never really happen anyway.
I've realized that I do like talking about those things but everyone these days are just too caught up in who's right and who's wrong without just sitting down, listening to another view, and actually learning something. I was listening to Sean and he was making some good points but when I tried to counter them, he got mad. That's not the kind of thing I want. Especially when it comes to things like politics, philosophy, religion (hope you run fast if you even think of saying something against religion down here), and all the topics that'll basically make anyone mad.
Hmmm...if people were actually interested in it, I'd love to do a Socrates cafe online. You know, where people get together to just have thoughtful discussion and whatnot? Maybe it'd be a huge mess but it's an interesting experience sometimes.
Anyways, off to bed. Yearbooks come tomorrow and damn, I still need to study for my mock exam. >> Someone needs to convince me to stop being a dumbass by taking AP classes. Please.