Jan 18, 2008 17:01
Five had gotten up particularly early this morning and even he isn't too sure why. But he was most certainly surprised to find only a sleeping Reid as the TARDIS' other occupant. He was a little supicious at first, but once he realized the other had not stumbled in, he was surprised.
He doesn't even bother to properly dress himself (as it's the Eighth, really. Who needs hats and sweaters and coats?) and slips over into the other's TARDIS. Being quiet and giving the old girl a good pat before he finds the kitchen. Once a good cup of tea is managed, he slips into the bedroom of the other and sits slowly, carefully, on the edge of the bed. It's with a gentle sweep of fingers through the other Doctor's hair that he tries to rouse him a bit.
"Wake up, you..." He'll murmur, holding the tea realitively close to him so that, perhaps, somehow, it might draw him into conciousness.