had a calc test this morning, so i figured i'd give myself a break for a few hours before starting on bio reading...
i took this picture sometime over the summer when i was wandering around campus:
started playing with it... gave the trees a slightly more pleasant green color and pulled all of the color out of the bottom part to get that brown tint out of the water. a few other basic changes and i ended up with this:
but then i decided that the trees had entirely too much saturation and the fountain blends in with the sky behind it too much. I fiddled around a little more (gave the trees a slightly more blueish green, added the color back to the bottom and adjusted the brown water to a more iridescentish dark blue) and finally came up with this one.
I'm kinda proud of it. I like how you almost think it's grayscale at first glance, but the colors kind of slowly fade in. I keep figuring out how to do little things with photoshop that make a lot of this stuff much easier... this time i figured out how to adjust colors differently in different parts of the picture. Here's one i did a few days ago where i would have probably done the same sort of thing...
this is the original:
and then here's the finished:
It's another picture that i'm rather fond of, but you'll notice that the thames is a very lovely shade of brown... and i couldn't fix that because it was a very close brown to that of parliament, meaning i pretty much had to choose between emphasizing the cool looking famous building and making the thames not look quite so much like the ohio... haha... but i suppose now i could do both, if i had the motivation to go back and re-do it. i've already printed one off though, so i think i'll just leave it. Let the british have their dirty water :)
by the way-- you can click on the pics to see bigger ones... and then you can click on those bigger pics to see even bigger ones! but after that you have to talk to me if you want to see more bigger ones... lol... bigger ones... bigger bigger bigger bigger bigger... ever notice how a word sounds really weird after you say it over and over again for awhile?