my gripes about work and other things.

Jan 25, 2009 22:34

  • It is so fucking creepy when people watch you working.  And when you look at them as if to say, "Dude, please stop staring, it's fucking creepy," they don't smile or say hi, they fucking GLARE in return.  What the hell, man?  Even worse is when entire GROUPS of people stop what they're doing to watch you clean a table or move chairs around.  It's kind of distracting, plus it always makes me wonder if I have something on my face.   WHY ARE YOU FUCKING STARING, I AM ONLY WIPING A TABLE, IT IS REALLY NOT THAT INTERESTING OF A PROCESS.
  • I am kept over an hour later than I am supposed to.  I know, working in a restaurant, I should expect to be kept a bit later than normal, but since my manager hates me, everyone else is let off and I have to clean up.
  • I am not allowed breaks.  Or food.  Or water.  N'uff said.
  • That is all.
The people I work with are F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C (they call me things like sweetie and dollface) but everything else kind of stinks.

On a more positive note, I have downloaded a LOT of music lately.  I look forward to settling down and actually listening to it.

Also, Whose Line is it Anyways? is probably the funniest show not on TV anymore.  It makes me laugh like no other thing before it.

I have two exams tomorrow (history and science), then I'm done for the rest of the semester.  SUH-WEET.  I think I'll take aside some time to just sit in my room,relax, and draw.  I haven't done so in a long-ass time.  I miss it, it's really soothing.


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