
Apr 20, 2010 08:50


That is all.

Actually, no, it's really not. I still has a Simon (going on 3 months, and I have *actually* moved into his house now, given I spend more time there than he does and get on better with his housemates) and we did the whole Meet The Parents thing which was completely hilarious. Because, erm, my parents liked him - but, well, they were a little *surprised*. Cause Simon's older than me and can't be arsed to shave most of the time and has lots of tattoos and we're, y'know, very affectionate and cuddly.

Um, my parents were born in the early 50s, and their only daughter just brought her (as far as they know) first boyfriend home, and much to their shock he's to be nothing like they expected, and also it appears to be very serious and whatnot. So. That was funny. My mother clearly expected me to come home with some young glasses-wearing fellow physicist who plays piano, or something. Er, no. Of the people Stuff Happened with at uni, one of them was a chilean metal guy with looooong black hair who looks genuinely female in some photos (not necessarily drag photos...), and the other was a reclusive ninja with dreadlocks and an encyclopaedic knowledge of japanese tv. So. Um. It appears my tastes run to the interesting. Mother should be grateful, really, that I didn't bring either of the former two home.

Bloody hell, this was so supposed to be a short post. It's revision o'clock for me, I think.


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