Bloody *Hell* - A Summary of the Road to Zen.

Mar 22, 2010 18:18

So basically it looks like I haven't posted since essentially the start of Uni,, um, bad. Because. Well. Awesome stuff has happened?


1) Term 1 of uni was, essentially, awesome. Acquired awesome new friends, decided living away from parents was awesome, and committed deliberate and offensive overuse of the word awesome.

2) Romance fail. On many, many levels, details of which are so long and involved and intricate and messy that I'm really not going to relive *that* one. Um. Some of it was fun? Some of it really wasn't. An experience and a half, in any case.

3) Went back to parents', had a small minor mental breakdown. 'Sall good now though, cause  I'm pretty much never going back for an extended period of time. Not my parents' fault, really - just, you know, my life is in Birmingham now, and thus being in Scotland was sortof limbo where I had to just get through 3.5 weeks.

4) Had a rather special first few weeks back. There may have been a few trips to vodka revolutions, and a touch too much flavoured vodka. on a few occasions. There may also have been, like, compulsive writing and constant spacing-out. Hey, whaddayaknow. Stability is, like, overrated.

5) THIS IS THE LAST, LATEST AND BEST. Cause OMFG I HAS AN OTHER HALF, and his name is Simon, and we've been together two months which beats my last record by some time. And prety much evewrything is awesome, and I've just about moved into his flat, and he's meeting my parents next week and, and, and...the honeymoon period has worn off, and things are still awesome

In summary, life has been...tumultuous. Also, there's been some physics in there somewhere, which is pretty cool.


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