It's been a while...

Oct 20, 2008 16:12

Got back from the new York vacation last week. Had an amazing time. I feel closer to J. than before. Is that strange? I don't think so. My affections for him just seem to constantly grow. It's strange to think that it's only been 5 1/2 months. Sometimes I'm amazed to discover that there are still some things he and I don't know about each other.

Still working 3 jobs. It will soon become 4 for a tiny amount of time. I'm switching jobs mid-November. I'm really not looking forward to this. I'm alreay getting worn down by the 3. I really want to quit the church, but I'm having the hardest time doing so before the holidays. Even in the face of more bullshit from my pathetic excuse for a pastor and boss, so much of me is tied to this church. So much of my history. To walk away would create a comfort void in the midst of personal well-being. I have the hardest time executing selfish acts...even when they're positive.

Music is going very well. Had an absolutely killer 3-song set at the Genghis Cohen last month that finally brought me to the notice of industry folks. Apparently there will be a strong industry presence at my show this Friday at Tangier which can only mean good things as long as I play my heart out. A strong turn out would definitely help so if you haven't made it to a show in a while, please come to this one if you can. I don't want to get my hopes up but, dammit!! After 12 years...for something even small to happen would just be...sublime. I'm getting a lump in my throat just thinkng about it.

You know, I get slightly attacked for being so matter of fact and sometimes I don't realize the full impact of things until much later. For something to happen on Friday... Well... All I can do is pray and hope... Which is what I've been doing all along. There's gotta still be a market for good music...right?

Btw...thank god for the live journal app for the iPhone. With 3 jobs I barely have time I breathe let alone do the one semi therapeutic thing I know how...journaling.

Back to work...

Oh! San francisco peeps: I'll be there on Friday, december 19th (the Friday before Christmas) playing at the Red Victorian hotel on haight st. I'd love to see you there!

Being snippy to your boyfriend can Suck It!!

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life, peet's, ny, job, vacation, via ljapp, j.

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