Oct 08, 2007 18:42

Well..that was random.  Here I am on myspace reading through my bulletins...feeling pretty fucking lethargic and irritable to the point that I somehow managed to take it out on E.  (Sorry...just a little frustrated, you know?  I suck).

Anyway...I happen to see a bulletin from Tangier asking to fill slots for their Oktoberfest Celebration on October 19th for their Solo Lounge.  So, here I am sitting feeling shitty, frustrated, and unmotivated.. and all I can hear in my head is E. telling to start playing shows again...and why haven't I booked any shows yet.

And then that nagging voice from the back of my head starts up - what the fuck are you doing with your life?!?  Are you even serious with your life anymore?!?!  Do you care?!?!

So, I send the booker an email with one of my songs attached asking to be considered for one of the slots.

He writes back:
uh!!! hell yes! Your voice is amazing!"

So...with my ego slightly boosted (it doesn't take much, really) I booked the 7:30pm - 8:15pm slot on Friday October 19th.

Yeah...that's right fuckers.  Consider yourselves informed.  Don't make me cry...come to my show and make me feel good about life again.  :)

Once again - that's:
Friday, October 19th
7:30pm - 8:15pm
Tangier Restaurant & Lounge
2138 Hillhurst Ave. (just south of Los Feliz)
LA, CA 90027

More details to come soon.

edited to add this:

<---- Clickety-click for a flyer to my show on October 19th!!

On to some other stuff...

"Hey! I know that person!" Sightings
Peter Krause (Six Feet Under)
Victor Garber (Alias, Titanic)

Uh...what??!  Are you serious?!?!?!


Peter Krause was even more foxxy in person. He had that sexy gruffy "I haven't shaved in a few weeks cuz I'm sooooo money" stuble that just made me melt as I made him his Soy Mocha with no whip cream.  The funny thing is, as he was waiting for his drink, I was having a conversation with another customer about the Dodgers. We're both die hard Dodger fans...to the point where we hate any other California team.  We were discussing the awesomeness of the Dodgers and how happy were to see the Angels get served up on a fucking platter to the Red Sox the night before.  Peter just kinda stood there, amused at my fanaticism.  :)

Victor Garber.  Can I just say this?  Fucking SPY DADDY was in my fucking store!!!  I jsut about collapsed!!!  I'm such a ginormous Alias Fan...and he is one of my hardcore old man crushes (along with Harrison Ford, Sean Connery, John Malkovich, and Gary Oldman).  Anyway...we were slammed with customers and I didn't even see him in line.  I'm making some more coffee, turn around and who do I see at my register?!?!  Spy Daddy.  I just about collapsed from shock.  I quickly composed myself but I started to feel my cheeks go warm and a silly grin took over my face.  He ordered 2 pounds of our signature blend.  After I rang him up and got him his comped coffee, one of my co-workers offered to get the beans for me, but I was like...no nono nono..it's alllllright.  I'll take care of it.  I got him his beans, smiled stupidly a little more and wished him a great day.  And yes - he was as handsome in person as he is on screen.

Life has been...interesting.  Friday night I met up with an old friend whom I hadn't hung out with in over a year to celebrate his upcoming birthday.  We ended up making out and stuff.  It was interesting and kind of a long time coming.  Here's where I have to pose a question, though:  What is the deal with hickeys!?!?!  I mean..come on - once you're 17 years old, these should totally be outlawed.  So what would possess a 32-year-old man to want to give me one?!?!  Oh yeah...yours truly is now sporting a ridiculous hickey on her neck...to my absolute and utter dismay.  Good lord...the last time I had one was when I was 15 years old - that was 12 fucking years ago!?!  Hickeys are sooooooooo "let's make out by my locker in between classes".  Not "let's make out in my house while watching the History Channel and oh yeah - i'm in my 30's".

eesh.  I'm glad I have the next 2 days off...gimme some time to make this fucker go away.

Good lord, people.  I'm so anti-hickey.  Like seriously.

Oh yeah...my time in the valley is bringing out my inner valley girl.  Watch out, people!!!  It's like totally gnarly and junk.

one more thing - E. learned a new word today - "Mudshark".  I immediately looked it up in the urban dictionary and just about laughed my ass off:

1.  A woman of the caucasion persuasion that prefers the man meat of a black man over that of a white man; A black cock slut that has an attitude about it.
2. A white woman who falls asleep while tanning, and thus is white on one side and brown on the other.
3. A  lengthy turd with pointed ends floating in the toilet bowl.

And..the winner in my book:

4.  A sexual act similar to a Cleveland Steamer in which one partner (typically male) defecates into a female partner's genital area.

"I totally mudsharked that chick."

And...on that note...

Hickeys can SUCK IT!

the valley, celeb sightings, cool stuff, dp, life, bff, the single life, gigs

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