Yuletide reveals

Jan 02, 2010 10:47

The Yuletide reveals went up yesterday, so I can now say thank you to Centuries for my gift, "Winter Worries," in Anne Perry's Thomas & Charlotte Pitt 'verse.

I can also claim my own fic, "Forepoint," written for Elfwreck in the Sime-Gen universe of Jacqueline Lichtenberg and Jean Lorrah. It's now reposted at my comm, too. I realize that no one's likely to read this, since it's a pretty obscure fandom and I've posted on a Saturday to boot, but fwiw, I did try hard to make it accessible to readers unfamiliar with the original canon.
  • Forepoint [Hugh, Klyd, general]: As Sosectu, Hugh Valleroy has to decide whether or not to permit Rior's members to act in ways that his friend Klyd Farris - and the other leaders of the Tecton - may not consider permissible. Matters come to a head with the arrival of several new young Simes and Gens. Here at IJ.


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