Year-end wrap-up

Jan 01, 2010 23:54

Okay, so I'm a day late. I'm also not going to do the year-end fic meme after all... just kind of wrap up my year. Maybe I'll do something more thorough tomorrow, along with Yuletide reveal info. SO and I went to see Invictus today, which we both liked, but that plus making potstickers pretty much ate up the entire day.

Brief RL stuff

It was a tough year. I lost both my paternal grandparents (each aged 93). There were some medical issues that I didn't really share (still not, sorry). I worked my butt off taking 2 library science classes in spring/summer/fall terms, on top of working full time. On the whole, 2009 was one of the worst years I've ever had in a lot of ways, although there were certainly good moments and I was often thankful for support from family and friends.

Books read

I kept track of the books I read all year, for the first time in my life. I had planned to post the whole list, but at least for the moment I'll just summarize. For pleasure I read 169 works of fiction (16 never previously read) and 15 works of nonfiction (13 never previously read). I also read 22 books (all but 1 nonfiction) for classes (teaching and taking together), plus a whole lot of articles (didn't bother to keep track of those). Total: 206 books read, 37 for the first time. Yes, I'm a very fast reader; I also read when I'm eating alone, and before going to bed.

Fic written

Again, not going to list everything specifically, but I posted 172,006 words of fic this year. Unlike recent years, this was virtually all solo work - just 950 words of co-authored drabbles (with alisanne) in that. I miss co-writing but it just didn't happen this year. That figure includes reposts of 2008 fests, but none of the 2009 fests (mostly still unrevealed).

A lot of the 2009 fics (~200) were actually drabbles and ficlets. Counting only fics of 1000+ words, I wrote 15 in the HP fandom, 2 (1 a multichapter that is still a WIP) in the Star Trek AOS fandom, and 1 in the Swordspoint fandom. Fandoms represented only by fics of <1000 words included History Boys, Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Good Omens. My big new fandom this year was ST:AOS. I also wrote something entirely new for Yuletide, but that will get summed up next year.

All in all, a busy and prolific year, I'd say. I reposted a fic and five drabbles today; the fic ("Fruition") was my 3fan_holidays entry, and the drabbles served as holiday cards. All of these were general in rating.
  • Fruition [HP: Harry/Neville]: Neville has a plan for Harry's Christmas, but it takes a while to work it out. Here at IJ.
  • Yuletide Cheer [LotR: Sam, Bilbo]: Bilbo asks the Gamgee family for Yule dinner. Here at IJ.
  • Good News [PotC: Elizabeth/Will]: Elizabeth has a special gift for Will this Christmas. Here at IJ.
  • Thankfulness [HP: Harry/Severus]: Harry and Severus spend their Christmases quietly. Here at IJ.
  • Year's Turning [HP: Luna]: Luna has an annual ritual. Here at IJ.
  • Thoughtfulness [ST:AOS: Kirk/McCoy]: At Christmas, it's the thought that counts. Here at IJ.

miscellany, fic stats, writing fic

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