Death and euphemisms [or, when Cel is cranky]

Jun 25, 2009 13:32

Okay, so apparently Farrah Fawcett died. Sad for her family and friends, and for her fans.

But what makes me *eyeroll* is seeing posts that say something like "she passed," rather than "she died." I loathe that particular sort of euphemism. I can understand using it if the deceased is someone you're personally close to, and therefore you don't quite want to think about the facts straight up yet. Or if you have really strong personal Issues With Death As A Concept. But let's be honest, most of us don't have the latter. So saying "she passed" just sounds stupid; what, she got 65% on an exam?

What the hell is so hard about acknowledging that everyone dies, sooner or later? That life ends? It's just childish not to accept reality by using these euphemisms, IMO, especially for someone that you don't actually know.

Yes, I'm an unsympathetic bitch sometimes. Deal.

language, death

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