I confess to not reading all the
percy_ficathon fics; I've managed to get to over half, but there have been a couple with warnings for things that generally squick me, and a couple more with pairings that just don't interest me at all. But most of those I've read I've enjoyed - so Percy fen, do pop over and take a look!
Walked Juno relatively early this morning - 3 miles. She flopped down half a dozen times along the way, though; it's a VERY hot day here, heat index 100 degrees at 4:15 in the afternoon.
Did four loads laundry, went to see Star Trek, wrestled with fic, finished vest YAY. *happy dance* I had to rip out a buttonhole and redo it, I hate buttonholes.
Am currently making dinner (sweet potato fries in oven, broccoli ready to cook, grill heating up - waiting for SO to get home before putting burgers on), and may do some LIS work after that, or poke fic some more, depending on level of inspiration and tiredness.
Have not decided whether I will go to campus tomorrow or not. Was thinking I would (hence doing laundry today, usually it's a Tuesday chore) but OTOH I need to work on LIS assignments. Sigh.