Pondering... advice requested!

Jul 09, 2008 08:42

Should I make one more offer at livelongnmarry? So far I've made two, this one for Swordspoint fic which sold in Buy It Now (2000+ words, due Dec. 31), and this one which is still active, for fanfic in Harry Potter, History Boys, or Narnia (2000+ words, due Dec. 1).

If I do make another offer, it'll be for Narnia fic only, I think... basically because I want an excuse to write it! *g* The current high bidder on the open offer is someone who will want HP, which obviously I'm very happy to write, but it would be fun to do something else as well.

Would I be crazy to make three offers? Thoughts? Advice? I have to go shower and toddle off to the library to work this morning, so won't be back online for several hours... but advice would be welcome! In terms of other fic-writing commitments, I have a daily_deviant fic due August 5 (and Oct. 5 and Dec. 5, 1000+ words each), fic for fall_fantasia due at the end of August (1000+ words). So there, but not overwhelming; if I have decent bunnies I can write fics of that length by dictation in less than a week.


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