Offered: Fanfic - POSTED!

Jun 26, 2008 10:40

Offer: I will write fanfic of no less than 2000 words (likely rather more) in any of the following fandoms: Narnia, History Boys, and Harry Potter. I lean toward slash but will also write het, any rating. There are certain kinks/squicks I will not write (some listed here), and a few characters I don't write well, but generally I'm pretty flexible. We can discuss characters/pairing(s) and prompts, and I'll do my best to suit your preferences. My strengths are realism, smut, and reasonably happy endings, although I can also manage bittersweet.

For examples, you can find all of my fanfic here; fandoms I've previously written but not mentioned above may be negotiable. I will email you a copy, and send a hard copy if desired. I reserve the right to repost/archive the fic after you receive it.

Contact: My email is in my user info.

Delivery: I will have your story written by no later than December 1.

Minimum bid: $25

Buy it now: $150

This fic has now been written and publicly posted: Experiment [HP: Remus/Severus, adult]

movie: chronicles of narnia, book: chronicles of narnia, movie: misc, movie: history boys, movie: harry potter, book: harry potter, seller: celandineb, offered: fanfic

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