Het post!

Apr 03, 2008 10:09

Explicit het, even! *g* My daily_deviant fic this month is Arthur/Molly, for the theme "coitus a mammalia." Posted only to that comm (on IJ) for the time being; I'll repost at my own next month.

  • So Sweet a Love [Arthur/Molly, adult]: A small accident at lunch gives Molly an idea.
I've been a member of DD for a bit more than a year, now, and have written six solo fics and two collabs for the Kinky Kristmas in December. What's interesting is that all of the solo fics have been about the Marauders generation (and set during that era, except one that was AU and set during the Roman Empire); the two collabs were present-generation. I find this surprising because although I do write Marauders occasionally in other contexts, I've always been more inclined to write present-gen, often set in post-war era and sometimes long post-war. So I wonder what it is in my head that seems to connect DD with Marauders-era scenarios?

writing fic hp

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