Live baby yeah now that the day is over

Apr 02, 2008 20:06

Which, you know, I came closer than I'd like to not doing today, thanks to an asshole in a pickup who must have spun out on the freeway. I didn't actually see that part, as I was in the left lane and there was a semi a bit ahead of me to my right; all I saw was the pickup hurtling toward me, facing me, yeah, and not getting his ass over to the shoulder in any great hurry. I think I missed him by about a foot and a half, and it probably took a year off my life expectancy. It was raining, but not that hard, just a sprinkle at that moment although the road was wet. I'm just thankful that it was daylight and that there was no one very close behind me, or I could easily have been munched in my little sedan between two mongo pickups. Gah.

Other than that it's been a pretty good day. I finished grading quizzes, discussion in class went fairly well, and I helped out several students (including one who's supposed to be doing a book review and presentation for Friday, and came this afternoon to say that the library could not find the book ["in transit" according to the catalog], and what could he substitute, *sighs*); I've betaed two fics (!!), played some scrabble, and written a bit (although the dratted recorder somehow ate the afternoon dictations... at least it was a teenyfic and not a chunk of something else, so easier to redo another day). SO called to say he'll be late, so I guess I'll go eat dinner and then I do need to do some reading etc. for LIS.

Another rare pair today (it's a week for them!):

  • Meet the Parents [Anthony/Percy, general]: They have been seeing each other for nearly a year and it's time to meet the parents. Here at IJ.

miscellany, auto woes

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