Still reading fest fic...

Jan 05, 2008 23:31

but mostly done. I'm finally getting a chance to (re)read all the 3fan_holidays stories and comment, and I'll probably skim through the reveals for some of the fests to see if there were fics I'd meant to read and missed, but all the tabs I'd opened are now read.

A bit of work done today, but not much. Need to do more prep tomorrow, for Monday. Ugh. I hate the first day of the semester. Although this one will be better than some, as over 1/3 of the students in each class are folks I've taught before.

I did go see Sweeney Todd today, yay! I'm not quite sure why I have a fondness for this particular macabre tale, but I do, so I enjoyed it a lot. And of course liking the three principal actors didn't hurt at all. Yes, it was quite bloody, but because it's a musical it doesn't feel "real" in quite the same way that some films do, thus the violence didn't bother me as much as one might think. Shall probably acquire the dvd when that's out, although goodness knows SO will have no interest in it.

Made beef stew for dinner. Didn't go to the grocery, so need to do that tomorrow; probably talk to the maternal unit as well. Also need to wash sheets and towels. It's clearly back to the usual routine now. I'd like it if my muse put in an appearance though...

reviews, random life stuff

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