Random stuff

Oct 08, 2013 19:20

Every morning when I walk to work I pass a truck with a bumpersticker that says, "Even God only asks for 10%." I would love to say that (a) giving money to an imaginary being is a complete waste, and (b) for the taxes you pay, you probably get more value than you are giving, therefore (c) STFU.

Having spent the past 3 months (or really more like 7, and in a sense since I've been there) short-staffed, as of October 21 it looks like we will be back up to full strength again, which means I will not have to get up at 5:20 any more for a while! Filling the vacant positions was horrible. I sincerely hope I don't have to hire again for a long time.

Had a nice if brief visit from my dad two weekends ago. My book club met this past weekend. SO will be off to Kansas City the weekend after next to run the marathon there. The weekend following that we have to go to Houston, so I have scheduled an appointment for an oil change etc. this coming weekend. Then the first weekend of November it is book club again plus we're having a portrait picture taken of us with the dogs. Whew. The fun (?) never stops, I guess. But after that right now November looks not too busy... my mom is going to visit in late December, and we'll probably have our usual holiday party in early-mid December.

My cherry tomato plant has done really really well. I go out and pick a couple of handfuls every 2-3 days. The ones that drop, Tain eats. *eyeroll* The other tomato plants pretty much were a washout ugnfortunately. I have one large green tomato on one plant, and I think we've had a total of 2 ripe regular tomatoes from all 4 non-cherry plants together. Oh well. They were $1 each from my CSA farm, so it's still a good deal.

Last week of the CSA this Friday. I haven't posted what we got, or the weekly dinner menus, in ages... not going to now either as I'd have to get up and go find all my notes (yes, I keep that stuff around).

Gardened a couple of hours on Sunday and had yoga last night, and MAN am I sore today. :-( Both those use a lot of muscles that my daily walking does not.

My last checkup/blood work was good. Blood sugar still high but better; HDCs still too low but not much to be done about that. I managed to get back down to 135 pounds after coming back from France and am still hovering within a pound or two of that. Go me.

After having been a Hobbit for Halloween for something like 10 years now, I am making a new costume. I chose it largely because I wouldn't need special shoes or a wig or makeup or anything. It's an 18th c. sort of thing, long calico gown with lace trim and a mobcap-style hat. Requires an awful lot of fabric and either I misspoke how much I wanted, the cutter shorted me, or it shrank a lot in the wash because I started cutting the fabric on Sunday and could not get the last pattern piece to fit. I'm pretty sure that I did not mess up in placing the other pieces, so I'm going to have to piece together 2 or 3 scraps to cut that last piece out - luckily it will be the underside of the mobcap so it should work out ok.

Tain is gnawing on a bone at my feet and Juno is outside (the back door is open so she can come and go). Got a message from SO that he has gone for a run and won't be home till about 8:30, so I may go ahead and eat dinner without him.

I've pretty clearly fallen out of fandom at least for the time being. Haven't written anything since last year, haven't read anything in ages either (sorry all), am not participating in any fests this year and probably will not do 3fan_holidays (sorry again). Just nothing in the head right now, fannishly speaking. Which bums me out but there's nothing I can think of to do about it.

social life, sewing, fandom, family visits, medical, asl job, random life stuff, halloween

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