On the good side: I have lost 5-6 pounds and was below 170 yesterday. I guess the walking is finally kicking in.
On the not-so-good side: Got the results from the blood labs from a couple of weeks ago, and while I am okay on insulin levels (i.e. not diabetic), my lipid panel is out of whack, with high triglycerides and a bad balance between LDL and HDL. So I'll be taking another med, and am urged to "work on diet exercise and weight loss". Whee.
Good side: I am at the moment pretty much on top of things at work.
Bad side: Need to start working on my portfolio for the first year review. This is a fairly elaborate process; the purpose is to make sure the person has a handle on what they need to accomplish and have documented for when they're up for promotion and/or tenure. So in a sense good, but a PITA as these things tend to be.
Good side: It's been cooler for the last couple of weeks than it was there for a while.
Bad side: It was 77 degrees and humid when I walked Juno at 6:30 this morning. Thanks, Hurricane Isaac - we get the heat and humidity, but no actual rain.
Good side: The CSA is on again and I've had several interesting food/dinner ideas this week. And it's Friday, date night, so we will probably go out for dinner tonight (we're pretty much out of leftovers from the week - it would have to be frozen fish/chips if we eat at home).
Bad side: See second item above. Can I still eat what I would like to, for meals? (I've been trying to be better about snacks etc., but I love carbos. Wah.)
Good side: My muse stopped in earlier this week. Yay!
Bad side: Finding time to actually write, and convincing the muse to stay, is not easy.
Good side: The Republicans have demonstrated their total unfitness to govern at their national convention this week.
Bad side: An awful lot of US voters will vote for them anyhow.
Good side: It's a blue moon today, which is always awesome.
I think I will leave it at that...