today, I...
- Finished/submitted payroll
- Trained a new student for most of the morning
- Worked desk
- Had lunch with former colleague
- Calculated last week's desk stats
- Had three student evaluation meetings
- Graded a student assistant quiz
- Will go to yoga class
- Will finish making Thai chicken soup (still needs noodles and some seasoning
- Will fall over in sheer exhaustion
The rest of the week (bar Thursday), and next Monday, are about equally busy, although not the same stuff every day. No time today to post a ficlet (I only have one more edited/ready anyhow). Thursday I see the dentist about my painful tooth/recent filling.
Seriously, "life is pain" and all that, but if I'm supposed to be learning something by being in constant pain, I think I must have learned it by now, right? Either that or I never will, so there's still no point in having it continue.
Stupid body.