More slow days...

Dec 29, 2011 13:47

I'm definitely enjoying having this week off work; I have a lot I could/should/would like to get done, but I'm giving myself permission not to try to do everything, and that is good. We finished our RL holiday cards today and SO is taking them to the PO this afternoon (he has a dozen or so that go overseas, so has to buy suitable stamps for them). Speaking of cards, many thanks to
angela_snape for the lovely one she sent!

Today I'm trying to also do some tidying-up kinds of things; file stuff, deal with some financial records, put away holiday wrapping paper, maybe finally get the second coat of paint on my study window frames since today and the next couple of days are supposed to be over 60 degrees. Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment, a dentist appointment, and my car is getting its slightly belated 90K tuneup so I won't be home much. I did finally set up my new Kindle though (SO and I decided to share an account), so I will take that with me for reading while I wait.

Several fic links today. The last gift ficlet (a Sense and Sensibility) from yesterday; a holiday drabble (HP); and a repost of my October
daily_deviant fic (which is NOT watersports, despite the title):

  • Filling in the Spaces [Margaret Dashwood, general]: Margaret longed to fill in the blank spaces in the atlas for herself. For iulia_linnea. Here at IJ.
  • Home Decorating [Luna/Neville, general]: Neville makes his last wreath of the season. Here at IJ.
  • Squeaky Clean [Neville/Percy, adult]: Percy loves it when Neville comes home filthy from a day in the greenhouses. Here at IJ.

writing fic, random life stuff, vacation

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